
EMS-2007 continues tradition established by first two Russian schools held in Moscow (2003, 2005). The objective of the international School is to provide the up-today information on the recent findings in EM studies of the Earth. It is addressed mainly to postgraduate and PhD students. The School-seminar will be interesting also to researchers who wish to present and discuss their recent findings with colleagues from former Soviet Union Republics.

Scientific themes


Meeting address:

Moscow Region, Odintsovskii restrict, Zvenigorod city, pension “Zvenigorodskii”


Valeria Palmova -

Opening hours of the Secretariat

Official language

English is the School official language.


Russian ruble is a national currency in Russia (1 USD ~ 26 Rbl, 1 EURO ~ 35 Rbl).

Weather Conditions

Beginning of September is a golden season in Moscow. This time of the year the temperature rises up to +20oC (70oF). Usually it is shining, however, sometimes it may be raining.

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